Thanatos is in the driver's seat of today's GOP. I don't know how else to describe the careening suicidalism of the party's most recent activities. Even as the planet bakes and no politician can deny even in front of a hard-right audience (at least not without getting booed) that global warming is real—even then, the party's candidates at their second debate earlier this week spent the evening outbidding each other for who would pledge to burn fossil fuels the most if elected. (One of the few jabs Haley landed on DeSantis, for instance, was to accuse him of cancelling a few drilling and burning operations in his home state.)
Likewise with the party's ongoing infatuation and death-embrace with Trump. Here is self-destructive behavior at its most incomprehensible. The man lost the previous election, tried to stage a coup, and has spent the years since penning increasingly vindictive and unhinged micro-edicts, in which he calls for the death of his enemies and declares his intent to eliminate the independence of large swathes of government should he be re-elected to office. And yet it seems all-but-inevitable at this point that GOP voters will crown him yet again as their nominee for president.