Two vivid images from my personal memory: One, I am standing in the kitchen of my apartment in Medford, a couple years back. I have finished a long day and an even longer commute from Boston's north suburbs. I am desperately hungry, having ordered some Thai food several hours ago. After a long wait, the food has finally arrived. I have dished out the entire steaming pile onto a plate. Then, I spin around, intending to carry the dish to the table, where I will finally and gratefully snarf it down.
Instead, the plate falls through my fingers. It shatters on the ground. In a flash, in a twinkling, the entire heaping, steaming pile of noodle deliciousness is scattered across my dirty kitchen floor. Rendered instantaneously inedible. And as I stare down at the shattered plate, its shards mixed in with the clear strings of pad-woon-sen, I can picture in my mind's eye the plate reassembling itself. Like, it should be possible to rewind time slightly. Don't I get a do-over?