I was talking to my sister about possessions the other day, as she was recounting to me some recent successes she has had with selling old books and articles of clothing online. "I think I'm embracing minimalism," she said. I remarked that that made sense for a disciple of Marie Kondo. It was a kind of evolution. Once one had purged one's personal possessions of those objects that did not bring joy, one could then move to the next stage, and purge oneself of the joy-bringing objects as well.
My sister replied that this evolutionary process made more sense than might at first appear. "When you are paring down your possessions to only the ones that bring joy," she said, "one of the things you start to realize is just how few of them do actually bring you joy." She then introduced me to the Kondo precept that you should listen to the "messages" your objects send you. The idea being that every possession has a message for you, and you just have to hear what it is.